Realm Group Package
Furrabian Nights

Peddlers Hollow

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The Trouble with Neighbors. Magical Mishaps! Something happened. Nobody is sure what, but tey always talk of the forest when they are asked why it is that sometimes, the rain comes down gold, blue, and red. Or why sometimes the trees whistle to you as you pass. Or the question of why such large celestial bodies are visibly so close at night, and not anywhere else in the local area. Whilst the magical energies floating around can be felt by mages, they are unable to be utlized, and offer no benefit or hindrance.The effects seem more pronounced in the land and the local flora and wildlife.  The Goblin Market - Come one, come all, sell one, sell all. The Goblin Market is an odd event that comes around every so often. The fountain in the middle of town seems to herald their arrival, although there is no physical place in which they house themselves. At the Goblin Market, one may buy anything, from a new eye color, to a sword that never dulls, to the soul of a lost love. Memories, Esotoria, anything and everything. The Market runs on a contractual system - Certain members hold contracts with everything, from water, to food, heat.. By entering, you agree to follow their rules. Of course, one must be willing to pay the price. The Merfolk  A tribe of Sennibalistc Merfolk have found solace in the rockeries and underwater caves that many of the Smugglers used. Whilst their number is unknown, some facts have come to light. -They are cannibalistic. -They can talk, and seem willing to listen. -They are a Matriarchy, and call their leader the Margravine. Other than these few knowledgable tidbits, anything is is shrouded in mystery and fish tails. The Bandits Bandits attack the outskirts. This is due to how little the people had in the way of protection. Wilst not enough to cause much trouble for the group, on an individual basis they can become quite troublesome. Here you can find information on the dream geography, continuity information, a link to our forum, and other OOC...

We have moved from Imag to FurN to begin a new story line, if you have question please contact an admin via whisper or website and we'll be happy to get back to you.

  • In this dream you are free to RP and make a story as you see fit. There are group play options and dream wide plot which are posted via the forums so everyone knows when these RP happen and the detail.
  • You are allowed a private RP experience. Yes, this can be anything to RPers desires, such as the wold around them is falling apart but no one else in the dream is aware of this plot (unless the parties involved with for it to be so).
  • We do not police your plots unless requested by the involved parties to settle OOC disputes.
  • Please see website for more details.

We have moved from Imag to FurN to begin a new story line, if you have question please contact an admin via whisper or website and we'll be happy to get back to you.

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