
Roamheart's Dream Day 7 marks the two year anniversary of the event, and was another success!

DD7 was almost an even split between returning and previously unfeatured dreams. Entries included Spartopia by Martyn, an ever-evolving RPG spar dream where you battle and quest with your own familiar. We also visited Realms of Mhyrr by Xillor, a tech-heavy co-op PRG and one of the largest maps in Furcadia. Of the newcomers, we enjoyed several highly atmospheric experiences, including Avelithe's Red Meadow (based on the chapter of the same name from 'The Sight', a book by David Clement-Davies).

During the event, DD hosts announced that dream owners would be able to submit ads during intermission in the future. This will be a good opportunity to participate in the event without committing to a full tour. Hosts also announced that the scheduling for DD would be switching to every 6 months to accommodate other community events going forward. Stay tuned to hear more as the time comes! To learn more about Dream Day and see the full line up of dreams and VOD, visit Dream Day's website at

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