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Furcadia Flyers

Many people ask how they can help Furcadia. One of the best ways to do that is to get more people to come and join us!

These flyers are a great way to get the word out about Furcadia in your home town. You can put them up at local gaming, hobby, or comic book stores, libraries, schools, supermarkets, or any place that has a bulletin board. Thanks for your help!

Furcadia: Customizable Community Flyer with pull-off tabs

  • This one is great for local community boards, tabletop communities (like comic book stores, board/video game shops), or places where artists/musicians/writers gather!
  • Be sure to add your name or in-game Character name - shows our friendly side! ;) And it's "word of mouth" which is the best advertising!
  • Don't forget to take scissors and cut tabs for people to pull off, otherwise they might mess up your flyer.

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Flyer for Furcadia

Furcadia: Explore player created worlds!

  • This one was designed for general conventions, or maybe gaming ones!
  • Cut this in half to get two flyers with one print out!
  • The high amount of colors make this one best if printed out by your local print shop.

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Flyer for Furcadia

Furcadia - Make new friends, become your fantasy!

  • This one is designed for fur-cons, or anime cons - ask organizers if they'll include them in the bags they give out to attendees!
  • Cut this in half to get two flyers with one print out!
  • The high amount of colors make this one best if printed out by your local print shop.

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Flyer for Furcadia

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