Group and Dream Standards
Furcadia's chat channels, public areas, and player dreams each have been assigned a standard. A standard is a bit like a rating, though Furcadia is unrated. Furcadia has live chat so it is important to note that we cannot stop what players type before they type it. Even in an E dream, you may see unsuitable content. The standard of a dream or channel tells you what audience it is intended for, but also gives you an indication of the behavior we require there.
Below is a list of all standards that are currently used in Furcadia and a brief explanation what each means.
Player dreams uploaded in a public area should generally follow the standard of the area they are uploaded in, but may be one standard higher or lower as indicated below. Players can set the dream standard in the dream editor under patches/dream settings. Dream Owners are responsible for maintaining standards in their dreams. When entering a player-owned dream, pay close attention to the standard that is displayed in the entry message displayed in the text area. If you are uncomfortable with the standard, or the player-set rules outlined, hit the back button or press Ctrl B.
NOTE: Parental Controls and the Profanity Filter can be turned on in the Dream Editor for any Dream Standard. This is because Dream Standards are based on levels of behavior expected in an area, not individual words. You can expect an E level of behavior and still only want adults in your dream.
Additionally, standards also apply to Group Pages, Group Chat Channels, and Group Dreams (which are treated like Player Dreams). It is possible for a Group, as a whole, to have a different standard than the associated dream, so it is worthwhile to check on this. You can see the standard of a Group on the related webpage, and the Dream Standard when you enter the Dream. If you are uncertain about what behavior is acceptable in a Dream, a Chat Channel, or a Message Center, please check with the players who run and moderate the respective Group. Furcadia Staff, and the Beekin Volunteers, cannot assist with player- or Group-run dreams and channels, unless Dreams or Groups violate Furcadia's general rules or encourage players to engage in rules-violating activities.
Players under the age of 13 may play Furcadia only under direct supervision of their parents or a legal guardian.

E: Everyone Environment
- Maps with the Everyone Standard are suited for players who are at least thirteen years old.
- Content here may not be appropriate for younger players, and may contain crude humor, strong teenage language, mild swearing, mild and suggestive themes.
- Violence, violence-inciting behavior, and sexual themes are unwelcome on public maps.
- Moderate violence allowed for player dreams.
- Players under the age of 13 may only visit these maps, pages, or channels with direct adult supervision.
- T+ and E dreams may load to these maps.
- Swear filter enabled for public dreams and optional for player dreams.

T+: Teen+ Environment
- Maps with the Teen Standard are suited for players who are at least thirteen years old.
- Content here may not be appropriate for younger players, and may contain crude humor, strong teenage language, mild swearing, mild and suggestive themes.
- Violence, violence-inciting behavior, and sexual themes are unwelcome on public maps.
- Moderate violence allowed for player dreams.
- Players under the age of 13 may only visit these maps, pages, or channels with direct adult supervision.
- T+ and E dreams may load to these maps.
- Swear filter enabled for public dreams and optional for player dreams.

M16+: Mature16+ Environment
- "M" stands for Mature, and maps, pages, and channels that have this standard are suited only for adults and for teenagers who are at least sixteen years of age and have their parents' permission to be there.
- Players under the age of 16 are not allowed here, no exceptions are made.
- Coarse language, mild sexual discussion, moderate violence, and mild adult themes may be encountered.
- Extreme violence and sexual content is not allowed.
- M16+ dreams may be loaded to these maps.
- Parental controls are enabled.

AOC: Adults Only Clean Environment
- AOC stands for "Adults Only Clean" and means that these Dreams, pages, and channels are only for adults. However, sexually explicit or violent content is not permitted here.
- AOC Dreams and channels are places where grown-ups can go to talk about their mortgages, their kids, and their college classes in a respectful manner -- in short, to be adults in both topics and behavior.
- By entering an AOC map, players affirm that they at least 18 years of age.
- Characters under 18 are permitted so long as the player is at least 18 years of age, and these characters are not used for sexual interactions of any kind.
- Players may expect mature content but nothing violent or sexually explicit.
- Descriptions and links must meet the AOC requirements. Explicit materials are not permitted.
- Portrait standards up to M16 are allowed here.
- All avatars are allowed, including Furlings.
- The swear filter is not enabled, but abusive language is not permitted.
- Only AO Clean dreams may be loaded here.
- Parental controls are enabled.

A18+: Adult18+ Environment
- "A" stands for Adult, maps that have this standard are suited for adults 18 years and older only.
- Players under the age of 18 are not allowed here, no exceptions are made.
- Characters must appear at least 18 years of age.
- Explicit language, moderate sexual content, moderate non-sexual violence, and pervasive adult themes may be encountered.
- Extreme violence and explicit sexual content is not allowed in public areas.
- A18+ and AO dreams may be loaded to these maps.
- Parental controls are enabled.

AO: Adults Only Environment
- AO is the abbreviation of Adult Only and means that these Dreams, pages, and channels are only for adults who are not easily offended.
- By entering an AO map, a player agrees to be at least 18 years of age.
- Characters must appear at least 18 years of age.
- Players under the age of 18 are not allowed here, no exceptions are made.
- Players may encounter content that is blatantly sexual, mature, or severely violent.
- Even in this relaxed standard illegal activities are prohibited.
- A18+ and AO dreams may be loaded to these maps.
- Parental controls are enabled.
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