World Group Package
Furrabian Palace

Club Nimbus

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Club Nimbus is a fantasy/steampunk dream where avians rule the roost. High above the clouds, just past the ruins of Zephiroth, lie the fabled Isles of Nimbaterra. Club Nimbus was founded upon these mystical isles and hosts many exciting roleplay areas including a Stage, Opium Den, Ballroom, Dungeon, Chapel, Sky Gardens, Rooftop, Blacksmith's Forge, Ice Caverns, Dining Hall, Medical Clinic, Library, Bath House and much more. Vending machines in the basement dispense over 50 different items including pillows, plushies, enchanted objects and more! Sky Gardens span across the floating isles of Nimbaterra, connected by bridge. Our bar has an interactive bartender, Skye Rufflequill. Skye greets passersby and amuses himself between work. Club Nimbus has over 100 custom portraits made for various species in our dream. Some of our local species include the elegant Cindercove Phoenix, Saddled Gryphons, Pygmy Gryffes, Cloud Wyrms, Feral Bugs, Ermine, Kangaroos and more! We are a strict roleplay guild, but nobody is required to RP in the dream. There are plenty of OOC and private areas for all to enjoy. We have a profession-based currency system which means you don't need to apply for a job. Simply create a bank account following the directions on our forum and specify your line of work to earn pay. Furres recieve a daily paycheck consisting of Gold or Opium depending on their chosen profession. Both Gold and Opium can be exchanged freely among furres in RP or turned in to quest NPCs for rewards. Gold can also be used to buy enchanted drinks and food at the bar. These special consumables let you walk around with a unique aura. You can find active roleplayers in the dream by clicking the "Find RP" button or *JoinRP command. Need a lift to Club Nimbus? Type `join CN for an auto summon! furc://clubnimbus:legendofthesky

Club Nimbus was founded in 2004 by members Tacoma and Lunati. Elwood Flickertail joined in 2008 and the Club is maintained exclusively by its founding members. Tacoma began work on the dream in August 2004, it went live in the summer of 2006 and was revamped with fully custom patches in 2012.

Lunati and Elwood Flickertail helped fund our Dreamer's Domain from the Second Dreaming. We held a donation drive for the dream's 10 year anniversary in August and are now happy to announce our World Package for life! Club Nimbus is continually being upgraded with more areas, avatars and mechanics. We really mean it when we say there is something for everybody here.

Art and story by Tacoma, with scripting by Lunati and support by Elwood Flickertail. Club Nimbus is a dream with continuity but in most areas you can enjoy relaxed roleplay as well.


Currency System with a random spawning treasure hunt, gold for higher professions and opium for trade between Medics and Slaves.

Gold can be used to buy enchanted drinks at the bar with various unique effects and auras.

Bar with interactive bartender, Skye Rufflequill. Our bartender has his own personality, greets passersby and amuses himself between work. An additional non-staff Bar is located at the Stage Area where anyone can serve.

Change the color and designs of the Pillow Pit the way you like it! Subject all around you to your superior decorative tastes using the lamp switch and some of that extra gold you've earned.

Mini Quests and Special Items with effects like Portable Beer Kegs, Magic Mushrooms, Poppy Tea, Celebration Cake and much more!

Stunning Sky Gardens spanning across the floating isles of Nimbaterra, connected by bridge.

Mystical Ice Caverns for you frost-loving furres out there!

Burrow Homes for Ferians & Friends. New Weasel/Ermine and Opossum avatars seen nowhere else in Furcadia. You can scent mark and decorate your own burrow!

Vending machines in the basement with over 50 different items including pillows, plushes, enchanted objects and more!

Thirteen private lockable rooms.

Fully custom Portraits for most species and patches unique only to Club Nimbus.

Original Soundtrack.

Attractive and User-Friendly Chat Interface with custom Gryphon Emotes.

Custom local species include harnessed Grand Ferian Gryphons, Mini Gryphons, Harpies, Cloud Wyrms, Kangaroos, Thylacines, Werewolves and more!

Community Links:

Club Nimbus Guild Forums : (

Website : (

Learn the History of Nimbaterra and the Club in our library.

  • Absolutely no harassment, name calling or trash talking other players or dreams in Furcadia. Do not bring drama to the OOC area or you will be banned.
  • Do not make racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or offensive remarks. If someone is harassing you, please let one of the staff know.
  • Follow guidelines for respectful Roleplay. Do not force anyone into a situation they have made clear is not alright.
  • Please use proper grammar and pronunciation when roleplaying.
  • Do not use maximum kittersize in the OOC area as this spot tends to get very crowded.
  • All Characters must be at least 18 both In-Characer and OOC. No children are allowed in this dream, not even in roleplay. This is not just our rule, this is Furcadia's rule as well. Any violators of the age rule will be instantly banned.
Bouncer Staff:
Tacoma, Yoyo the Yoshi, Myrslok.
Feel free to send screenshots and logs of misconduct to We will act quickly in removing the problem furre if proof is presented.


We finally got our web domain at! The dream url is now at Please update your bookmarks and stay tuned for future developments on the isles!


Club Nimbus has been redesigned with 32-bit patches! We will continue to keep all patches as pixel art, our color palette has simply expanded. This will let us add new lighting and features in the future.


Come celebrate our new avatar, the Harpy and get your chill on with the fresh Crystal Chiller drink served at the bar. Two new feral avatars will be added in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled for updates on the website!


It's our tenth anniversary! Come party with us and get your free celebration cake at the bar, trade Opium for a portable brew keg which lets you serve up beer anywhere and decorate your own burrow home!

The dreambot will be giving out free snugs, muffins and chocolate strawberries for the month of August to random patrons! We're also hosting a fundraiser with premade portraits and other cool rewards for our next goal: A new domain for our ever expanding website!

Bank Commands:

Open your account. You will not have a job or a paycheck until you move to the next command.

Change your class from unemployed to one of the following to earn a paycheck or Opium: Slave, Rogue, Blacksmith, Dealer, Club-Worker, Alchemist, Medic, Bouncer, Gardener, Noble.

Check how much you have. Additionally, you can just click the gold button.

*Pay-Gold (Furre) (Amount)
Give another Furre some of your Gold.

Example: *Pay-Gold Lunati 200

*Pay-Opium (Furre) (Amount)
Give another Furre some of your Opium.

Change a Furre's class. (Staff Only)

Local Species Commands (Also on Tab C):

Morph into a werewolf.

Morph into a thylacine.

Morph into a kangaroo.

Morph into an axolotl.

Morph into a Mini-Gryffe Feral.

Morph into a Mega-Gryffe Feral.

Morph back into natural avatars.

Item Creation and Cleanup Commands:

Create a Ball.

Clean Up Toys. (Staff Only)

Clear off bartops and tables. (Staff Only)

Make a Pillow. F3 over the pillow to change it.

Teleport Commands (Also on Tab C):

Meta List of Teleports.

Enter the bar (Staff Only)

Exit the bar (Staff Only)

Teleport to Game Room.

Teleport to Vending Machines.

Teleport to the Dungeon.

*Opium Den
Teleport to The Opium Den. IC Optional

Teleport to Rooftop.

Teleport to the Sky Gardens.

Teleport to the Ice Caverns.

Teleport to the Snuggle Pit. OOC

Teleport to the Bath House.

Teleport to the Clinic and Pharmacy.

Teleport to the Blacksmith's Forge

Teleport to the Chapel.

Teleport to the Cosmic Cafe.

Miscellaneous Commands:

Artists & Developers of Club Nimbus.

Join the Active Roleplayer's List.

View the Active Roleplayer's List.

Next Furre bumped will be sent to a cage. (Staff Only)

Deactivate Enslave command. (Staff Only)

Employment Information.

Read the rules of the dream.

Full List of Staff Commands

About Us.

How you can help us.

More information is available on our website -

Read 42273 times
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