Channel Commands

Tune in to broadcast channels to get the latest Furcadia news and participate in events, or chat with other players in your favorite group.

Broadcast Channels

Broadcast channels let you listen in to news updates, announcements and events. Stay connected to Furcadia and groups.

=talz Toggle the Talzhemir Channel.
Available to: Silver and Gold Sponsors.
=fel Toggles the Felorin Channel
Available to: Silver and Gold Sponsors.
=emmie Toggles the Emerald Flame Channel
Available to: Silver Sponsors.
=sd Toggles the Second Dreaming Channel
Available to: Second Dreaming: Day Dreaming & Dark Dreaming Supporters.
=news Toggle the News Channel
=event Toggle the Events Channel
=fun Toggle the Fun Channel
=spice Toggle the Spice Channel
Available in: M16+, A18+ and AO dreams only.
="group" or `bcjoin "group" Toggle the broadcast channel for a registered group.
(Group must have "Broadcast Channel" enabled)
="group" "message" Post to the broadcast channel for a registered group.

Chat Channels

When in multiple chat channels, add @ after the `command to select a specific group.

`listgroups List all available channels for you to join.
`jg "group" Join the channel for the given Beekin group.
`jg @"group" Join the chat channel for the given registered group.
(Group must have "Chat Channel" enabled)
`chat "message" Post on the chat channel for a registered group.
`leave Leave the current channel you are in.
`listf List the current Furres on the channel.
`tellgroup "message" Sends a message to all members of a group.
`news "message" Adds a message that furres see when they join a channel.
`clearnews Clears all messages that furres see when they join a channel.
`kick "furre" "reason" Kicks a furre from a group channel.

Account E-Mail
