Applying for an additional Beekin Group
Some things to remember when you're applying for an additional group:
Please only apply for a another group if you have enough time. It is generally better to dedicate your time to just one group and contribute to it, instead of spreading yourself too thin. There are no benefits for belonging to more than one group.
You can only apply for an additional group if you had your first group's badge for at least 90 days (three months). The date that matters is when you received your final badge, not when you gained access to the Beekin Aerie.
You can only be in three application-based groups total (either different characters in the groups, or the same character for all). Invite only groups do not count towards your total limit of groups. If you wish to drop a group and apply for another one, you must notify the Group Heads of the group that you wish to resign from before you apply for another one. Make sure that your resignation has been processed before applying.
Even though you are already a Beekin, applying for an additional group does not give you an advantage over furres who apply for the first time. You still must fill out both forms. Do not assume that we still have your answers from the first time you applied for a group.
The Group Heads of the additional group that you apply for may check with the Group Heads of the group that you are already part of to see if you have been actively contributing to your current group. Again, please only apply for an additional group if you have time.
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