
FURCADIA Character Creation            NAME _________________________________

Worksheet 1                            PLAYER________________________________


1. TYPE: __________  Choose one:Rodent, Musteline, Feline, Canine, Equine.

   Species: ___________________ (Player's choice.)

2. TRAITS:  For each +1 point of Adv. you must have -1 point of Disad.

You may have up to 5 points of Advantage.  Average Stats are free; lowered

Stats give you Points of Disad, while raised stats cost Advantage Points.

Circle one word on each line. Fill in the FINAL scores after you've chosen

ALL your Ads/Disads (including the ones that aren't "Traits".

                   Gives       Costs:0  Costs:      Costs:

                   1 DisadPt.           1 AdvPt.    3Advpts. 

           SCORE=    8           10       12          14

  WITs      ____    Dense       AveWit   Sharp       Brilliant

  TOUghness ____    Fragile     AveTou   Hardy       Tough

  BUIld     ____    Small       AveBui   Large       Very Large

  STRength  ____    Weak        AveStr   Strong      Very Strong

  QUIckness ____    Slow        AveQui   Quick       Very Quick

  DEXterity ____    All Thumbs  AveDex   Dextrous    Ambidextrous

  GRAce     ____    Clumsy      AveGra   Graceful    Very Graceful

  LUCk      ____    Unfortunate AveLuc   Lucky       Charmed

  LOOks     ____    Homely      AveLoo   Beautiful   Gorgeous

  WEAlth    ____    Poor        AveWea   Wealthy     Rich

  PEDigree  ____    Unknown     AvePed   LesserHouse GreatHouse

  EDUcation ____    Uneducated  AveEdu   Educated    Scholar


  _____________________________  ___     ______________________________  ___

  _____________________________  ___     ______________________________  ___

  _____________________________  ___     ______________________________  ___

  _____________________________  ___     ______________________________  ___

  _____________________________  ___     ______________________________  ___

               Total Advantages: ___ must be > or = Total Disadvantages: ___

3. ---------< SECONDARY STATS >---------- 

CRAFT  This is the basis for handicrafts.

   (DEX + EDU)= ***     Divided by 2       = CRAFT 

   (___ + ___)=_____    dropping remainder = _____

MELEE  This is used for the base for dodging, as well as weapon skills.

   (STR + QUI + DEX + GRA)= ***   Divided by 4      = MELEE

   (___ + ___ + ___ + ___)= ____  dropping remainder= _____

SPARK  This is the basis for magic.

   (WIT + PED)= ***     Divided by 2       = SPARK

   (___ + ___)=_____ dropping the remainder= _____

SPELL POINTS  This is a measure of how much casting energy you possess.

   If you aren't a Mage, your Spell Points are 0.

   (WIT + LUC + PED)= ***  Divided by 4         =SP

   (___ + ___ + ___)= ___ dropping the remainder= _____

HIT POINTS   This is a measure of how much damage you can take.

   (TOU + BUI + STR)= ***  Divide by 3        = HP

   (___ + ___ + ___)= ___  dropping remainder =____

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