Character table $

So, what about if we want to use $ to call the value of an entry that resides within a row that is part of a table, such as the character table? The syntax is similar, except for that the row’s name appears before the name of the entry:


Within the character table, all of the rows contained within it are named after players. That's why we used Joey as the row name parameter in our $ PhoenixSpeak entry in following example:

Tutorial 4: Character table and $

Let's say we gave a nickname to every player within our Dream in the form of a PS entry named, appropriately, nickname, which is assigned to players themselves (resides within the character table). How could we emit Joey's nickname, Sneaky One?

(5:200) emit message {Joey's nickname is: $character.Joey.nickname} to the triggering furre.

This would emit the following text:

Joey’s nickname is: Sneaky One

The same principles apply for custom tables as well. The full layout is like so:


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