World Group Package

The Mason Jar

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...The Mason Jar... Come and hear a collection of stories, Each as unique as the collector itself. We are all story-tellers, Dreamers of tomorrows and purveyors of yesterdays. Â

Stories of old or new. Weavers of yarns, keeper of charms -- this is a place for you. Welcome to The Mason Jar, a space of collected stories!

  • Be respectful of the stories of others.
  • Please be mindful of others. Stories make up a person, kindness is mandatory at all times.
  • Current events may be part of a story, but please be aware that there is always at least two sides to a story, and those listening may come from a very different viewpoint.
  • Understand that while mature content may be present in a story, it is something to be discussed, not argued.
Read 1807 times
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