Big news! In his spare time (as if a guy who is in University to be a doctor, flies planes, plays piano, sings, has somewhat of a social life and programs for Furcadia on the side, has extra time), Ninja has been working on a C# client for Furcadia! Originally this was to be the native Mac client, but he is currently focusing on it being an Android Client! We chose Android because it is the fastest growing market and easier to develop for than iOS! Though it will be fairly easy to port this client to iOS and Mac, or Windows for that matter! This is all very exciting and we will have our first test versions out next week and we can start having Second Dreaming Backers testing early in the new year!
We will be putting out both a phone version of Furcadia and a tablet version for mobile devices. The interface will be modified to work for touch screens and it will have a modern design with lots of fun bells and whistles. We are going for one interface for all OSs of which the style is somewhere in the middle of other common iOS and Android devices. Gar had a brilliant idea for making the very small screens of a phone (and smaller tablets) work well. Mostly on a phone you will want to whisper friends and chat with people, so the focus of the interface is on the portrait messaging side. It will have a small play screen with a larger text area in the portrait view to optimize space to type. However, if you want to explore or play a game in Furcadia, you just flip to the landscape view and you have a larger play window to move about. Majas and Muun are also helping with the interface!
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