
Are you batty for the Batikin? We sure are! And now you can get your very own on the Digo Market!

A raucous crowd of Batikin enthusiasts anticipating the arrival of these cheeky additions to the Minkins flocked to the deep jungle of The Wylde this past Saturday night.

As we awaited the arrival of Licharra to coax the Batikins from their Dragon's Breath Orbs the crowd provided a veritable arsenal of bat facts and pictures, ranging from the intriguing, to the adorable, to the downright quirky! Here are just a few tidbits that were offered up in homage to the Batikin -

Kristofer: Scientist have been able to use the anticoagulation agent in vampire bat spit to treat human stroke victims and human heart patient victims.

Intellectual Music:

Stitchie: Bat Guano, or bat droppings are considered one of the best fertilizers on earth. Before oil was the largest natural export out of Texas, it was bat poo! There were giant bat dwellings all over the state to tempt bats to house inside of them so farmers could collect and sell the precious guano.

Xela: I found this white bat.. albino! I think it's a vampire bat.

Kufky: Bat cams! They also do bat rescues.

We all learned a lot of fun new things about bats! Great job everyone!

Finally Licharra appeared amidst the gathering, pleased by all the knowledge displayed about her kin. With a squeek and a flicker of her tongue, the Batikin awoke from their slumber within the Orbs, fluffy and flappy and ready to play!

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