Registered Groups

Registered Groups are FREE group packages that can be yours by signing up with just 5 founding members. You will get a customizable webpage on, to tell others about your group; member list, automatically updated with everyone who joins; and your group will be listed with the other Group Packages for searching on the web! You will also get Rah and Taneest crowns in descriptions with a link to your page! These free features will let people find your group and learn what you are about, and most importantly help your group grow!


This group is for members of the Bramford Development Team.
For Dragon lovers and Dragons alike - enjoy our amazing little dragon tag, made by Tarra!
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
We are a group that specializes in Medieval style Role-play. Our main theme in this dream pertains to Athens Greece, where the Palace originates from.
hello evebody! you can join this club if you want a cute spooky blue rose desc tag :O)
"The distant isle of Draegeria (drey-gear-ree-ah) is isolated from most of the world, located somewhere on the expanse of a great turbulent sea. This isle is ruled by three ancient races, with allied races scattered about." [Please see "About" tab for more information!]
My own little group for friends or anyone who wants a little pair of lips in their desc :P Feel free to join
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
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