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get a crystal + succulent desctag!
Corgi's bork, boop you with their snoots, slobber your faces, get spooked, loaf around and wriggle their fluffy butts. But mostly, Corgi's love you unconditionally. You a fan of Corgi's? Then consider joining this group! Anyone is welcome to join! Even those who aren't dog's! (Desctag made by the Rah)
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
Just a fun, colorful, misty woodsy tag. If you have a character reigning from northern territories, or simply enjoy the aesthetic of the tag, feel free to join.
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