Welcome to Silent Hill. A Furcadia dream based on the Silent Hill game series. Please note that we welcome all species and RP types. Â

The name of that town is Silent Hill.

Although it is known as a scenic resort area, it is a cursed place where the town's former inhabitants were once driven away, brutal executions were once carried out, and a mysterious plague was once prevalent.


The town is centered around Toluca Lake, from which a thick fog perpetually enshrouds the area and makes vague the reality and dreams of those who visit the town.


And according to those who have seen them, there are also times when "things" that should not naturally exist appear.


A few incidents that have occurred in this town up to this point have gone unaddressed, leaving behind a great number of mysteries.


Here and now, looking back on it all, let's elucidate these mysteries one by one.

Through the ritual of the Holy

Assumption, he built a world.

Its exists in a space separate fromÂ

The world of our Lord.

More accurately, it is within, yet

Without the Lord\s world.


Unlike the world of our Lord,

It is a world in extreme flux.

Unexpected doors or walls,

Moving floors, odd creatures,

A world only he can control;

Anyone swallowed up bu that world

Will live there for an eternity, undying.

They will haunt that realm as a spirit.

How can our Lord forgive such an abomination;?


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