Dream Group Package
Furrabian Nights

The Kinky Kitty

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The Kinky Kitty was established May 11, 2011 and is a great and friendly place for all species and genders! furc://thekinkykitty:hermsexclubhiring/ Currently there 100 members and counting! (Last counted: April 12, 2015) THREE YEARS OF SEXY FUN & NAUGHTY MISCHIEF AND STILL STANDING STRONG!

The Kinky Kitty was established after a fateful encounter.

After a good friend was kicked out of a discriminatory and tyrannical club, Spark De'Sota decided to quit and leave hir job as their Bar Manager, refusing to be associated with a place that had such a hypocritical owner who unjustly banned hir friend.

After some time, days, weeks, maybe even a month..

Spark had created hir own place to call home, a new club in which shi could share with hir friends, and others who'd just want to relax without having to "fall in line" or "kiss [@$%!#]".

Having been around FurN for more than two years, it eventually grew to become one of Old FurN's top five most popular places. (Proven - DreamNova's List)

(New FurN Rankings will be averaged out in the future now that almost all dreams have moved from Old FurN to New FurN, and most "new" dreams have finally settled within FurN. Stay Tune for the results, as this will be averaged out through many different hours of the day and night, and different days of the week and month.)

So always feel free to come in, meet furres and people alike, and enjoy yourself. After all, they won't discriminate against race, species, or gender.

(P.S. Except Takashi Kurohi, who as a Dragon, has a natural discriminatory hatred against all reptiles.)

  • The Owner and Founder- Spark De'Sota,
  • The Co-Founder and "Unofficial" Co-Owner - Takashi Kurohi


In Furrabian Nights.

Northwest of the Furrabian Oasis Gate.

Southeast of the Palace Courtyard.

In Talzhemir's Bazaar.

On the East Side of the Stairs at Talzhemir's Bazaar.

Read 6158 times
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