Dream Group Package
Furrabian Nights

Cosmic Star Bar

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Welcome To The Great Cosmic Star Bar Home of Cosi Welcome Hello, I'm the Owner Of the Cosmic Star Bar Aka Cosi I'd Like to welcome you all here to the bar, We have been here over 10 years now, Yea along time and the world of furcadia and dream has help me out in a lot of ways, Finding myself in some place and changing in ever ways you could think. Buts back to the point. My Dream my world is 10! and I'd like to ask everyone the can come to FurN to stop by and say hello, maybe stay as be and chat if I'm not afk hehe, But ever one is welcome. Yes that means Gay, lesbian, BI, Pan, straight, all as in all. We are friendly here for the most part. So drop in make a new friend today ^.^ .

Cosmic Star Bar

This Dream/Realm
is part of Cosi hirself a world make up of the magic and dreams with in hir mind so there is a chance shi can change the world right around you.

You will fine anything you need to eat or drink at the bar just softly tap it and say what you want in rp it will pop by magic for this is a magic realm. Where anything can happen but for death there is NO death on this world by the rules of the realm if you want to die go do it somewhere other then this place.

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