Dream Group Package
Private Dream

Dog Pound

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Welcome to the Dog Pound Group Page! Thank you for clicking! Dog Pound was Founded May 20th 2004! Over 12 years ago! We're still around. Located in AI in the northern section just above the hall!

This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.

Dream Location

 photo Dog_Pound_2016-02-26_15-17-08_zpses4dnomj.png

The dream is currently loaded in AI just North of the Main Hall. We have a World Group Package so the dream portal is always distinguished.


Dog Pound has been around for 12 years. One of the older dreams loaded in AI. We have seen hundreds of thousands of furres come in and out over the years! There have been multiple people involved in the development of the dream over the years. Including Blast, Navy, Chevy, Tiponya, Rudder, Wulfram. And many others that contributed ideas and patches.

Read 4047 times
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