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Welcome to New Haven! This is a social area, for learning about the game if you're new, and for oldtimers to just relax and make new friends. Please keep any violence or explicit language out of this Dream and help us keep the atmosphere peaceful. Thanks! The Help Desk is now open, just ask someone there if you have any questions about anything. To learn more about the volunteer helper program, go to (URL: (press F8). :-) Â Netherworld - New Haven: The Fiendship. This is a group that pays homage to the classic map that was, and continues to be, New Haven. Yes, that New Haven. It is inhabited by a group of elites, all of which are New Haven oldbies. This is a socialization map. Come in, stake out a spot, and visit whenever you like! Â Should you care to bring your RPs in here because of the setting or whatever, please make sure they are not rated beyond PG-13. Anything above that you will need to take to whispers. Â Trolls and lack of tolerance, as well as racism and sexism, are not tolerated. Should you bring that in, you will be warned once before being ejected. Break the rules a second time, and you will be banished. Be adviced: Childish, impudent behavior will not tolerated. Don't contribute to it, do not begin your reputation within New Haven in that manner. Â Simple rules: No drama. No sexism, or hateful speech. No racism. No spamming. I will eject and banish you immediately. Respect everyone within the dream. Period. Don't be annoying. We frown on that junk. Don't be pushy. We hate that. Don't hog the chat. We're all trying to get our points across. Join the conversations, and contribute towards them, or don't. You want to talk to someone in private, that's why we have whispers.
Read 1414 times
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