Registered Groups

Registered Groups are FREE group packages that can be yours by signing up with just 5 founding members. You will get a customizable webpage on, to tell others about your group; member list, automatically updated with everyone who joins; and your group will be listed with the other Group Packages for searching on the web! You will also get Rah and Taneest crowns in descriptions with a link to your page! These free features will let people find your group and learn what you are about, and most importantly help your group grow!


A sanctioned and sponsored fight team in New Versailles that is strictly invite only.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is just a thing I made for me and my friends. If you want to join you'll have ad to have met me and befriended me first.
This is the New Versailles prizefighters group, for information on tournaments, free fights, and fighter stats.
The curious ramblings of a wild mimi
Personal group for my alts, friends, n' stuff. More info later. UuU
Tinkers Creek is a wildlife role play. Horses, bears and wolves coexist within these woods. More wild life species will be added, when they're completed. In the mean time, feel free to visit, mingle and enjoy Tinkers Creek and it's wonderful patches. History and Plot of Tinkers Creek Tinkers Creek is home to over three hundred acres of valley, marshland and forestry. It's home to many of a variety and houses its share of secrets. Mostly hidden among a tree-covered, glacier-carved landscape, Tinker's Creek remains largely untouched by human hands, but did encounter its share of human inhabitants during the…
Welcome to Eldwynn, a new social play dream! Eldwynn is the home town of Clan Ti'Ward. This dream is still under construction and we hope to have it fully  functional soon. Please feel free to explore the town and see what the map will have to offer. There will be many updates in the very near future. It will include a full continuity for Eldwynn. A website with its history and rules, forums, and well a battle system and an in game economy to compliment RP and social play a little later on! Have fun!Â
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