Registered Groups

Registered Groups are FREE group packages that can be yours by signing up with just 5 founding members. You will get a customizable webpage on, to tell others about your group; member list, automatically updated with everyone who joins; and your group will be listed with the other Group Packages for searching on the web! You will also get Rah and Taneest crowns in descriptions with a link to your page! These free features will let people find your group and learn what you are about, and most importantly help your group grow!


The Kamigo Bathhouse & Inn is a roleplay dream that welcomes characters of all shapes and sizes to bathe in its famous, magical, life-extending waters. Please see our other tabs for more in depth information. We're currently building the dream, but while we do so we're looking for supporters! Thanks, and we hope to see you in Furcadia!
Mystic Homes is Furcadia's longest running build-a-home, featuring spacious empty lots allowing for full customization of your dream house! Literally build your home from the ground up using items, floors, effects, walls and teleports. In addition to decorating, MH features many fun activities such as farming, cooking and crafting. Group membership is open to all, with members receiving access to local species, estates, and an exclusive desctag. We ask that you limit group membership and lot ownership to a single character (i.e. no alts please).
For anyone and everyone who loves Contingency's artwork, and of course Contingency herself!!
This is a group for the artist Tar Pit.
Land of the free, and home of the brave! A melting pot of cultures, brandishing dreams, unique ideas, and prosperous futures lie here. Let your patriotic pennant wave for all to see!
This group is dedicated to all characters which originate or reside from Hell and follow under the reign of Lucifer. This does not mean they must obey him, they either recognize him as their highest power from Hell and fake their loyalty, or simply were spawned from the Eternal Suffering. The spawn of an incubus, for example. This group also welcomes Satanists, and any relating characters. This includes, but is not limited to, demons, hellhounds, hell spawn, fallen angels and ect. Specific story arc as followed in The Carmine Bordello, The Devil's Cradle, and New Versailles. More information to come.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
Olympia is a fan made Town in Equestria. This is where Queen Chrysalis moved her hive. It is located in the Crystal Mountains. And ran by her pony form Holly Snow. This town does not show that it is a changeling hive at all. It is set up to have a Ancient Greece feel to it. From the Marble buildings to the Colosseum where gladiators fight everything from each other to Ferocious Manticore. The town is a sight to behold no pony could ever guess its the Changeling Empires new home.
Come check us out here-
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