Pounce Group Package

The Pounce Group Package is meant to work for groups of friends! Get your own webpage to tell about your hangout spots and list all of your friends. Have a chat channel to keep in touch from anywhere in Furcadia or use it as a broadcast channel to run your own 'channel station'. You can even give out your own custom desctags to all the members of your Group! Since this package is all about social groupings, it does not include Dream features. This is a Group everyone will want to have!

NVU is for the New Versailles University subgroup of the New Versailles dream only. In order to join, you must be a member (not a novice) of the main group, which you can find under the World Package menu! We're located at furc://newversailles in New FurN.
Looking for new friends to play with? Did your old ranked team quit? Or are you just bored and looking for people to chat with? Join us today!
A group typically used for secondary alts of 'Madam'.(Although close friends may also be accepted.)
Need a little help with your description? Your characters website? Scared to role play? Not sure you're skilled in it? Well, We'll help with that, too! All in all we're a group of friends hanging out, having fun, and helping others that ask!
The Flock is a tight knit band of lambs who are pretty cool, and doesn't afraid of anything.
This group serves as a Staff Channel for Albino Wasp development and is not available to the public. Sorry! Please check group "Albino Wasp" under World Package for our public group.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
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