Registered Groups

Registered Groups are FREE group packages that can be yours by signing up with just 5 founding members. You will get a customizable webpage on, to tell others about your group; member list, automatically updated with everyone who joins; and your group will be listed with the other Group Packages for searching on the web! You will also get Rah and Taneest crowns in descriptions with a link to your page! These free features will let people find your group and learn what you are about, and most importantly help your group grow!


This is a group dedicated to the Pegasus/Unicorn Hybrid, The Pegacorn. If you role-play a Pegacorn, or just outright like the mythology of them, feel free to join!
This group is open to anyone who happens to have a unicorn or unicorn-related character as well as those who just love the mythical beast and its kin. This is an open group, so just click Join and you'll be all set. However, those wanting to be apart are encouraged to donate to the rah, Unicorn, so the group package can be sustained for the long-term. Thank you!
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
An RP / socializing group for a court-based game involving bizarre trials, twists and turns, and so much heartbreak! Canon characters are more than welcome to join, but don't be shy about including OCs or an alt purely for socialization, either!
DO NOT JOIN THIS GROUP! It is a duplicate! Join the Pounce group version instead until I can get this one deleted! Â Thank you!
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
NEW VERSAILLES, ONLY. For the Goths (whether Mall, Victorian, what have you.) of the city.
This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
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