Welcome to the website for Siochain (pronounced "shee-hann")! This group is based on Furcadia and takes place in the Sisceal continuity. We are a strict Medieval RP community who is excited to welcome new members into our midst! Our primary community and information is on RPR--please join us there to learn more about the community and participate on our forums!
What can we make with your elixir? Open to the public. The more victims the better. Mad Scientists, Chemists, blood dolls, or enjoy a neat little blood syringe. Squirt, Squirt! The Doctor is In.
Cannibals, Occultists, Blood Benders, Dark Magic users, the terrible and the horrid that lurk under the mysterious veil of the night. All the creatures that live by a dark Oath find protection here. Come my darlings, and indulge in the wonderfully morbid and dark desires we have to offer!
The Land of Equestria is a glittering jewel of peace and carefully maintained harmony, ruled by the diarchs of the sun and moon. Under their careful tending, Equestria has blossomed into a thriving country full of many different pony and creatures all living together. Though the day by day is prone to random disasters or small chaotic events set in motion by one thing or another, it is a pleasant and rich land underlaid by darker activities and left over forces from days of yore. There are many other lands to be found in this world, but it all starts here, in the Land of Equestria.
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This is a new group page. Nothing has been written about this group yet.
Are you a birb? Borb? Birp? Bird? Does your character have feathers, wings, talons, a beak? Just got wings? No problem. Feel free to join; this is the group for them. Show off your avian pride or adoration of them.
Social group for GG.
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