
Furcadia's news blog -- Get all the latest on Festivals, events, Second Dreaming, contests, and more!

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Pride Month Event!

Are you up for a glorious event to celebrate Pride Month?

Join us this coming Friday, the 21st, at Noon Furcadia Time! We'll meet in Olde Town and we'll bring prizes! Come for fun games and open mindedness! The event will run for about 90 minutes, and everyone is welcome to participate! Treefox will be your host, and Kufky and Cironir will be there too!

Father's Day Event

We're holding an event for Father's Day on Sunday the 16th, 3:00 PM Furcadia Time. Bring your best dad jokes, we bring the prizes! (And also some jokes of our own!)

Frisky Season is ending tomorrow & Raffle date and time!

The date and time for the drawing of the Frisky Raffle have been set! Next Sunday, June 9th, at 3:00 PM Furcadia Time! (Central Time) - in the Festival Dream!

You can still get tickets for the raffle! The deadline for obtaining Frisky Season raffle tickets is June 1, 12:00 PM/Noon Furcadia time (not midnight). The raffle desctags will be removed from characters at this point - and new raffle tickets from purchases after noon will count for the Dreaming seasonal raffle.

All the details and prizes for the Frisky Raffle here:

For @everyone who wants to get frisky tickets still or has some!

Roamheart's Dream Day 7!

Roamheart's Dream Day 7 marks the two year anniversary of the event, and was another success!

DD7 was almost an even split between returning and previously unfeatured dreams. Entries included Spartopia by Martyn, an ever-evolving RPG spar dream where you battle and quest with your own familiar. We also visited Realms of Mhyrr by Xillor, a tech-heavy co-op PRG and one of the largest maps in Furcadia. Of the newcomers, we enjoyed several highly atmospheric experiences, including Avelithe's Red Meadow (based on the chapter of the same name from 'The Sight', a book by David Clement-Davies).

During the event, DD hosts announced that dream owners would be able to submit ads during intermission in the future. This will be a good opportunity to participate in the event without committing to a full tour. Hosts also announced that the scheduling for DD would be switching to every 6 months to accommodate other community events going forward. Stay tuned to hear more as the time comes! To learn more about Dream Day and see the full line up of dreams and VOD, visit Dream Day's website at

Frisky Season starting, Celebration Winners!

Our next raffle for the Frisky season has already started, where you could win huge prizes! Most purchases on Digo Market will enter you into the raffle, including buying avatars, portrait and desctag spaces, desctags, consumables, bundles, etc. and key prizes for Frisky Season are the very rare Kittersize for life, World Package for life, and Gold Sponsorship for life!

The drawing will take place in May - more details about the Frisky Season Raffle can be found right here!

Also, on March 5th we held our (first!) seasonal raffle drawing to conclude a fantastic Celebration Season! Thanks to everyone who attended or tuned into the events channel! Below are the winners of the Celebration Season prizes:

3 x Pixel Pows: Psych, Vicroar Wyrmeye, Cashmire Scarlett
3 x 25 Parnieq's Feathers: Arizona Swiftpaw, KittyKat, Pepper
3 x Roses Bundle: Odessa Micawber, Kjersta, Gideon
1 x Ferian or SkyPuff avatar of your choice FOR LIFE: Carney
1 x Minkin, Ling, Noble, or Seasonal avatar of your choice FOR LIFE: Clockwork
1 x Mythical avatar of your choice FOR LIFE: Princess Muffin Butt
1 x Dream Package FOR LIFE: Kjersta
1 x Gold Sponsorship FOR LIFE: ivor.nox
1 x Participation in designing an avatar: Laura
1 x Custom Avatar Space: Gothica Magnifica

Congratulations to all the winners! And thank you for supporting Furcadia!

Sweetheart Ball 2024

February is here, the time to celebrate all forms of love!

This means our annual Sweetheart Ball is just around the corner! Always our most highly-anticipated celebration of the year, here are the details of the 3 different nights of activities -- Single's Night, Friendship Night, and the Sweetheart Ball itself!

Visit Dream

Single's Night

All the single furries, now put your paws up! Rock your independence or flaunt your availability at the annual kick off to Valentine's; Single's Night! We're hosting a party for all you untied folks to come shake your tailfeathers, so put on your best and come strut your stuff!

When: Sunday, February 11th

Time: 4pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

Friendship Night

You've got a friend in me! It's time to celebrate all the bff's, besties, bro's, and buddies out there. Whether flying solo or happily paired, we all need those integral platonic relationships in our lives. Come honor these awesome folks with us as we shout out to all the amazing friends in the world!

This coming Friday is also Lunar New Year, so we'll be combining some fun activities into Friendship Night to celebrate the Year of the Ox!

When: Monday, February 12th

Time: 4pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

Sweetheart Ball

Te quiero, mi amor. We're looking for all the lovebirds out there to come celebrate with us at the annual Sweetheart Ball! Send a Valentine shout-out to your one and only, go on a romantic swoon boat ride, or show off your waltzing skills on the dance floor. Oh, and there's something about a wedding...

When: Thursday, February 15th

Time: 3pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

The Sweetheart Castle Dream will soon be available for your exploration, with all kinds of fun things to do including a swoonboat ride, bouncy castles, dance floor, and a super adorable community build!

Do you have a favorite way to express your admiration such as Chocolate, or Flowers? How about a frilly valentine? Maybe a lovely new collar for the more adventurous (woohoo!)? Whatever your fancy, we have everything you need to spoil your favorite person (or people!) now available on Digo Market!

Furcadia and Further Confusion '24

Exciting news! Furcadia staff will be at the upcoming Further Confusion: Pixelated convention, and would love to say hi to any attendees! We'll be hosting a retro pixel-art themed dream in the Vinca to keep the party going, during and after the con! That way anyone who can’t go can still enjoy meeting up with people who do get to go.

Keep in touch with others by joining the dedicated Pounce Group for Further Confusion to chat. Also, if you like commemorative items, we're offering an exclusive FurCon24 tag on Digo Market to let others know to look for you at the con!

Visit FurCon Dream!

Furcadia team members Dr. Cat / Felorin & Treeki / Ninji will be hosting a Furcadia themed panel Saturday 1/13/24 at 11am-12:30pm! Come attend and say hi!

Happy Holidays!

This is the time of the year where the magic is heavy in the air, where love and affection swirl around, and where families and loved ones create new memories together. It can also be a time of loneliness, of sad memories, and a reminder of the present void in our life.

Furcadia has always been a home away from home for many throughout the past 27 years, and this is especially true during this time of the year. We're are very appreciative of you, our community. We hope you'll spend some quality time in Furcadia, to share your joy or to seek comfort. Old friends, and new friends that you have yet to meet, await you - to socialize with, to laugh with, to extend our love and friendship to, and yes, to create new memories with!

As a thank-you from us to you, we've released a new freebie avatar, the Yule Goat! It is a richly decorated, super cheerful Goaten that is here to put a smile on your face and stay by your side no matter what.

Image of the Yule Goaten
Happy holidays from the Furcadia Staff! We wish you an amazing time and a great start into 2024. May it be a year worth remembering fondly!

Celebration Raffle!

Our annual Digo Market Raffles have always been popular, so much so that buying an avatar outside of a raffle period could feel a little less rewarding! Therefore we are excited to present our brand-new Seasonal Raffles that will make every purchase exciting!

All tickets from Digo Market orders made during the Celebration Season (December 1, 2023 to March 1, 2024 at 12:00 PM/noon FST) enter a raffle for the following prizes:

1 x Custom Avatar Space FOR LIFE*
1 x Participation in designing an avatar (and you get the first LIFE version of that avatar)
1 x Gold Sponsorship FOR LIFE
1 x Dream Package FOR LIFE
1 x Ferian or SkyPuff avatar of your choice FOR LIFE**
1 x Minkin, Ling, Noble, or Seasonal avatar of your choice FOR LIFE**
1 x Mythical avatar of your choice FOR LIFE**
3 x Roses Bundle
3 x 25 Parnieq's Feathers
3 x 50 Pots of Pixel Pow

*The avatar space can be given to a character of your choice and isn't tradable.

**The avatars are tradable and will include their respective collectible desctags FOR LIFE that are only available with the full-price version of the avatars.

You can read more here about the details of the raffle, including an FAQ!

Browse Specials

November Raffle

We heard you like raffles, so we thought we'd do more raffles!

In December, we'll start the first of our brand-new raffle seasons (more details on this shortly!), but we already wanted to give you a pre-season treat!

How it works:

Every Digo Market order for an avatar or portrait space placed between November 1st and 30th enters our Cozy November Raffle. Every full $10 or 10 DragonScales (rounded up) spent on an order yields 1 raffle ticket.

For example: placing an order with a total value of $12.50 will give you 1 raffle ticket. An order for a total of $26.99 will give you 3 tickets!

Raffle tickets are represented by a Knitted Hat desctag that will be added manually to the characters that received the items from an order. This will be done by paw on or before December 1st, so you'll see your tickets in your description before the raffle (scheduled for December 3rd, 4:00 PM Furcadia time).

You don't need to do anything to get your tickets. All of your November 2023 orders on Digo Market will automatically yield tickets for you and the tickets will show up in your description on or before December 1st.

What earns tickets?

This applies to all purchases of avatars and portrait spaces on Digo Market, not only items that are on sale. This means if you buy non-sale Digo avatars/portraits, you'll earn more raffle tickets! Digo avatar and portrait Bundles are included too.

It does not include services (like clearing portraits), group packages, or desctags/specitags.

So, what can you win?

All tickets from Digo Market orders made in November enter a raffle for the following prizes:

1 x Custom Avatar Space FOR LIFE (winner: Aetera)
1 x Ferian or SkyPuff avatar of your choice FOR LIFE (winner: Mochamutt)
1 x Minkin, Ling, Noble, or Seasonal avatar of your choice FOR LIFE (winner: ShadowMage)
1 x Mythical avatar of your choice FOR LIFE (winner: Venusia)
5 x Rose & Consumables Bundle (winners: Aetera x 2, Clockwork, Kosty, Kazuyah)
5 x Parnieq's Feather Bundle (winners: Juniana, Caspian Seabreeze, Trico, Bunny Freak, Eli)

The avatars will include their respective collectible desctags FOR LIFE that are only available with the full-price purchase of the avatars. The avatar space and the avatars can be given to a character of your choice and are tradable.

Any questions? Send an in-game whisper to Cironir!

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