Wolf Howl is here!
- Details
- Created: Tuesday, 29 September 2020 18:59
- Written by Glaciess
Overcome by the sudden urge to Awoooo at the moon? Does the crunch of leaves underfoot fill you with glee? Have you kitterjack-spiced ALL the things? No doubt about it... Wolf Howl has arrived!
This annual festival in honor of Prime Reegarr has lots of eerily entertaining things to see and do, mwahaha!
- Pick a pumpkin and carve it into the purrfect jack-o-lantern
- Linger by the moonlit pool to let your inner wolf loose
- Venture into the haunted mansion to assist an odd, possibly mad, dragon... what could go wrong?
- Some folks speak of stumbling upon strange Words of Power, but their purpose remains a mystery...
- And more!
It's time for all things spooky... and spoopy! The most mischievous time of the year is the perfect opportunity for some fun contests!
Pumpkin Patch Carving
The awesome Rat the Unloved has conjured up three gourd-geous pumpkin patch-item bases for you! Pick your favorite one -- or if you're feeling adventurous take all three! -- and digitally carve a spooky or spoopy jack-o-lantern using Furcadia's official patch editor, FOXed!
Check out this awesome example Rat made!
Spooky Spells
Witty with words? All Hallow's Eve is the best time of year for the concocting of potions and summoning of all things ghoulish and frightful! So why not try your hand at writing up an appropriately haunting spell in the form of rhymed couplets, incorporating Furcadian objects and creatures.
Hang a pot of brew to boil,
Pinch of dust of pongo seed.
Once it peaks at steady roil,
Ready for what else must need.
Tongue of snugg and raukor's feather,
Two, no more, of eetrox horn.
All of these combined together,
Gain you now a brand new form!
- Glaciess
You could win yourself some awesome Wolf Howl swag! Just take part in one -- or both! -- of our contests!
Pumpkin Patch Carving Contest Rules
Tools: Furcadia's FOX Editor
How to Enter:
- Pick your pumpkin - Classic Pumpkin / Fairytale Pumpkin / Ghost Pumpkin
- Digitally carve your pumpkin into a jack o'lantern (animated or non) using FOXed
- Send an email with a copy of your entry and your Furcadia name to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *Please remember to include your Furcadia name so we can credit properly!
Spooky Spells Contest Rules
- MUST be Furcadia themed.
- Must consist of rhymed couplets in a rhyming scheme of your choice (AABB, ABAB, ABCABC, etc).
- MAXIMUM of 16 lines.
How to Enter:
- Send an email with your entry and your Furcadia name to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. *Please remember to include your Furcadia name so we can credit properly!
Check out the entries here!
Deadline: Friday, October 30th 11:59pm FST
- Our prize pillow case is stuffed full with spooky goodies - maybe even a special surprise! You'll have to enter to find out! ;)
- Any entries not meeting requirements will be disqualified and none are guaranteed a prize.
- Upon submission, you grant Dragon's Eye Productions (DEP) permission to post your work and share it with the community. DEP may post, edit, and distribute creative contributions made through contests freely to players and for promotion of Furcadia.
- All entries must conform to Furcadia's T+ standard or lower.
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