
Furcadia's news blog -- Get all the latest on Festivals, events, Second Dreaming, contests, and more!

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Furcadia's 25th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to us all! Furcadia is 25! That is a quarter-century of furre friendship, sharing dreams, and building memories. Join us in celebration! Furcadia Creators are having a party and you’re invited! There will be shared memories, door prizes, a live stream, and lots of festivities in classic Furcadia style! We'll be there this Thursday (the 16th) at 3:00 PM FST in Allegeria Island. Can't make it so early? Not a problem! Join us later in the day, we'll party into the evening!

Come share your cherished memories and Furcadian stories with us and the entire community! Send us a video link of you talking about your most touching, fun or zany memory of your time in Furcadia, or write up a story in text form. We'll play or read your submissions at the event. Everyone submitting a video link or a story will receive a 25th Anniversary tag FOR LIFE. Please send your entries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and be sure to include your character name!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Help Save the Koalas!

Koala CharityThe Koalas have had a bear of a time. While our whole world was on fire, so was theirs.

Fires have been ravaging Australian forests and wilderness, causing many Koalas and other unique wildlife to lose their homes and habitats. Furcadia has always been appreciative of our animal friends, and we would like your help to take care of some vulnerable furry friends.

We have researched The Australian Koala Foundation who are doing an exceptional job conserving and protecting endangered koalas and deserve our help.

They have been fighting for koalas and their habitats for over 35 years. Tirelessly helping threatened koalas directly, planting new trees to expand habitats and damaged ecosystems, and working hard to support political changes that protect these adorable animals and their environment.

Help us support this important charity, become adorable, and show love for one of Australia's most iconic animals all at the same time!

One of the most frequently requested avatars, the Koalen, is now available! To help this little marsupial make a big impact we are donating 50% of the revenue from each Koalen avatar that is purchased before January 1st, 2022 directly to the Australian Koala Foundation.

As a thank-you for your special support, everyone who buys a Koalen before the end of the year also receives an exclusive charity desctag FOR LIFE. The tag features blooming eucalyptus with both Australian aboriginal and national flag colors!

The Koalen avatar was designed and drawn by James, with butler, portraits, specitags and icons by Degu, and animations and final polish by Rat the Unloved!

Pick up a cute Koalen, maybe even two, today!

Wolf Howl 2020 Contest Winners

Phew! Sincerest apologies for the considerable delay in getting the results out for the the 2020 Wolf Howl contests. As compensation for our participants' -- very much appreciated -- patience, each will be receiving 1 year of Spirit Wolf on top of their prizes for placement in each category.

Pumpkin Patch Carving Winners -

[Judging courtesy of Rat the Unloved]

Alas, poor punkins, I knew them well. Having raised them up from but small seeds into such specimens as to bring joy to all who beheld them, and then offered them up for the carving pleasure of our dear community and the customary Wolf Howl traditions.

How can one judge that which is art? I mean, you know... ahem... plenty of people can be quite vigorous, and somewhat unkind in their judgements, and I feel they miss the true soul of the thing in doing so.

Let us start then with Thrifty Geek, who poured their creative juices into this humble fairytale pumpkin and from it crafted a face of spooky delight! They are noted with an Honorable Mention.

Then there is the offering of Zack The Great, tapping also into that 2020 spirit with a pumpkin perfectly carved, but left unlit. Darkened within, as without. Truly, a bold work, and a strong Third Place.

Next is Kono, a classic Jack O Lantern, flickering with candle light, scowling at the night to ward off evil spirit and pumpkin smasher alike. This is a fine friend, a good lad indeed. Second Place!

And lastly, but not leastly, as indeed they are FIRSTly... Single and their adorable cat-o-lantern. This OwO brought a big grin to my face, and I hope to yours as well. The stand-out winner, and a fantastic effort all around.

Thank you to all who visited Wolf Howl last year, and celebrated online or offline safely and joyfully. Thank you to those who participated in the carving contest, and to those who carve them another time in another place, displayed in their own dreams. Summer is nice and all, but Fall is the most wonderful time of the year.

Spooky Spells Winners -

View Entries

Honorable Mentions: Happastance, Fading Memories

Both of these entries were very well thought out, charming, and super fun to read, but unfortunately were just shy of meeting parameters for the contest.

Prize - Premade Specitag of choice

3rd Place: Cosmic Star Bar

A cute and concise spell resulting in a cookie fight! Playtime and snacks all rolled in one. Yum!

Prize - Premade Specitag of choice & Animated Portrait Space

2nd Place: Furnarchy Devil

This spell brought to mind a triad of witches cackling over their bubbling cauldron, tossing ingredients in from random cob-webbed jars, to create a potion of some sort of gleeful mischief we are certain!

Prize - Premade Specitag of choice, Desctag Space, & Animated Portrait Space

1st Place: Kay Katt

Kay Katt's entry gave us two detailed incantations for strength and swiftness, but culminated in the most important power of all -- friendship! Their use of phrasing and rhythm truly created a beautiful image and feelings of warmth.

Prize - Premade Specitag of choice, Animated Portrait Space, & choice of Ghostie or Kitterjack FOR LIFE

Winners will be contacted in game regarding specitag choice.

Thank you to all who participated!

St. Patrick's Day!

Erin go Bragh!

Do you enjoy wearing green, drinking brew, and chasing tiny chortling green-clad furres for their pot of gold?! Of course you do, and we do too!

Drop on by ye olde Mycroft's Tavern in Meovanni this Wednesday, March 17th as the Eventers celebrate everything that is St. Patrick's Day.

Looking for something festive to wear to the party? Digo Market is chock full of awesome St. Patrick's Day deals on items and costumes!

Where: Mycroft's Tavern, Meovanni

When: Wednesday, March 17th

Time: 5pm FST

Silver Bells Raffle Winners!

Woohoo! Yesterday, February 27th, Cironir and Glaciess hosted the ceremony to hand out the prizes from the Silver Bells Raffle. An upbeat crowd gathered early, cheering and congratulating the winners as their names were drawn. In case you missed the fun, or want a recap of who won what, see below!

Avatar Space

Winner 1: Wolverine

Winner 2: Mysery

Winner 3: Starwyrd

Gloaming FOR LIFE

Winner 1: Sarin

Winner 2: Aysu

Winner 3: Razsha Ishtar

Gold Sponsorship FOR LIFE

Winner 1: Darkshadow

Winner 2: Peep

Winner 3: Cronus Starstrings

Winner 4: Kid Gambino

Dream Package FOR LIFE

Winner 1: Nomi

Winner 2: Xiuv

Winner 3: Tayget Twinstar

Silver Sponsorship FOR LIFE

Winner 1: Fergie V

Winner 2: Jehan Heartbane

Winner 3: Chronic Esper

Exclusive Turf

Winner 1: Retro

Winner 2: Jinsha Tu

Winner 3: Usha Itzal

World Package

Winner 1: Simple

Winner 2: Zyber

Quarter Prime Status

Winner: Dorset

All prizes have been awarded except for Avatar Spaces and Exclusive Turfs. Winners of these items will be contacted by Cironir this week with details on how to claim them.

Congratulations to all our winners, and a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Silver Bells Raffle! Your support of Furcadia is truly appreciated, and so very heartwarming.

Silver Bells Raffle Draw!

Every year our annual Winter Sale sees amazing deals on all our regular avatars, most for up to 70% off! This year the purchase of any item from the sale came with 1-3 Silver Bells, each of which counted as an entry into a super exciting raffle of epic proportions! With some truly rare and unique prizes up for grabs -- such as Avatar Spaces, Quarter Prime status, and World Packages FOR LIFE -- the excitement is absolutely palpable. See the full pool of prizes here!

With the Winter Sale now wrapped up, all the entries are counted and added into the draw! The time we've all been waiting for has arrived; the prize draws will take place this Saturday, February 27th at 3pm FST in Danival's Winter Festival! Our last raffle was a hugely attended event, so be sure to arrive to the stage early cause seats will fill up fast!

Good luck, and thank you for participating in our Silver Bells Raffle!

When: Saturday, February 27th

Time: 3pm FST

Where: Stage area in Danival's Winter Festival

Sweetheart Ball!

February is here, the time to celebrate all forms of love!

This means our annual Sweetheart Ball is just around the corner! Always our most highly-anticipated celebration of the year, here are the details of the 3 different nights of activities -- Single's Night, Friendship Night, and the Sweetheart Ball itself!

Single's Night

All the single furries, now put your paws up! Rock your independence or flaunt your availability at the annual kick off to Valentine's; Single's Night! We're hosting a party for all you untied folks to come shake your tailfeathers, so put on your best and come strut your stuff!

When: Wednesday, February 10th

Time: 5pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

Friendship Night

You've got a friend in me! It's time to celebrate all the bff's, besties, bro's, and buddies out there. Whether flying solo or happily paired, we all need those integral platonic relationships in our lives. Come honor these awesome folks with us as we shout out to all the amazing friends in the world!

This coming Friday is also Lunar New Year, so we'll be combining some fun activities into Friendship Night to celebrate the Year of the Ox!

When: Friday, February 12th

Time: 5pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

Sweetheart Ball

Te quiero, mi amor. We're looking for all the lovebirds out there to come celebrate with us at the annual Sweetheart Ball! Send a Valentine shout-out to your one and only, go on a romantic swoon boat ride, or show off your waltzing skills on the dance floor. Oh, and there's something about a wedding...

When: Saturday, February 13th

Time: 3pm FST

Where: Sweetheart Castle Dream loaded in Danival's Winter Festival

The Sweetheart Castle Dream will soon be available for your exploration, with all kinds of fun things to do including a swoonboat ride, bouncy castles, dance floor, and a super adorable community build!

Do you have a favorite way to express your admiration such as Chocolate, or Flowers? How about a frilly valentine? Maybe a lovely new collar for the more adventurous (woohoo!)? Whatever your fancy, we have everything you need to spoil your favorite person (or people!) now available on Digo Market!

Hollydrake Kindling!

Keep the holiday spirit going and deck the halls with boughs of holly -- drake, that is! The lingering seasonal magic coupled with the warmth and caring regularly displayed by the Furcadian community has enticed this newest -- and most festive! -- Flerian to settle in our lands and call Kasuria home. Rumor has it they're very excited to hear stories and tales of everyone's holiday traditions and memories, so don your scarves and mitts and make the trek to Danival's Winter Festival this Sunday, January 10th at 3pm FST to officially welcome the Hollydrake!

When: Sunday, January 10th

Where: Danival's Winter Festival

Time: 3pm FST

Haven't gotten yourself a Hollydrake yet? Pre-order's will be available on Digo Market right up until the kindling, so if you want to snag a super cool exclusive FOR LIFE presale desctag, there's still time!

Furcadia's 24th Birthday!

Happy Birthday! Longest continually running MMO Guinness World Record Holder, Furcadia, turns another year older this Wednesday, December 16th -- 24 years already!

To celebrate we're throwing a party in Meovanni's Mycroft's Tavern complete with cake, pizza, other yummy items, and prizes, -- and you're invited! Rumor has it Furcadia Creator Felorin himself will be on hand to chat all things Furc and share some memories from all these glorious years. You'll also get to take advantage of Free Digo Day as a Thank You for being part of our wonderful community.

Next year Furcadia turns a quarter-century old (gasp!) and we're planning some major festivities in celebration, so be on the lookout for those to be announced some time next year!

A perfect Halloween treat -- SpiritWolf Kindling!

The Mythical Ferian SpiritWolf is ready to make All Hallow's Eve absolutely spooktacular! Come help conjure this fluffy apparition into existence just in time for Halloween! The seance kicks off tomorrow -- Saturday, October 31st -- at 3pm fst in the Wolf Howl Festival grounds.

And because it -is- Halloween after all, come in costume for your chance to win some fancy prizes! Costumes will be judged based on colors, descriptions, and portraits.

When: Saturday, October 31st

Where: Wolf Howl Festival

Time: 3pm FST

Haven't gotten yourself a SpiritWolf yet? Pre-order's will be available on Digo Market right up until the kindling, so if you want to snag a super cool exclusive FOR LIFE presale desctag, there's still time!

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